Troodos National Forest Park: Promoting natural values and Ecosystem Services
The iLIFE-TROODOS project aimed to increase public awareness of the Troodos National Forest Park’s natural values and the ecosystem services it provides. This site is one of the most visited Natura 2000 sites in Cyprus and one of the most important natural ecosystem and biodiversity hotspots of the island.
The specific objectives of the project were to:
- Increase awareness of the need for the Natura 2000 network and, in particular, the natural values of the Troodos National Forest Park that are the reason for its inclusion in the network;
- Change people's negative attitude towards the Natura 2000 network and raise awareness of the importance of ecosystem services by holding rural workshops, carrying out media campaigns and disseminating information materials; and
- Spread knowledge about the natural values and ecosystem services provided by the Natura 2000 network among professional target group (particularly those involved in policy implementation) through mobile Apps, a guide and a documentary.
European Commission (LIFE programme)
Protocol Number
NCU Role
Start - End Year
Project Website