Establishment of a Plant Micro-reserve Network in Cyprus for the Conservation of Priority Species and Habitats
The PLANT-NET CY project aimed to improve the conservation status of four Cyprus’ endemic priority plant species (Arabis kennedyae, Astragalus macrocarpus subsp. lefkarensis, Centaurea akamantis, Ophrys kotschyi) and two priority habitat types in Cyprus (Cedrus brevifolia forests, Shrubs and low forest vegetation of Quercus alnifolia). Its chosen approach was to establish and manage a network of five Plant Micro-Reserves (PMRs) in the country.
The delivery of the PMR concept was also followed by implementation of specific and targeted conservation measures aiming to:
- Reduce the impact on the ecological targets from human disturbance, notably from recreational and agricultural activities;
- Reduce the impact of fires;
- Increase the targeted species and habitats quantitatively;
- Develop an ex-situ conservation programme to secure the long-term survival of endemic endangered species;
- Increase the genetic diversity of the natural populations; and
- Increase public engagement on the importance of the targeted species and habitats.
European Commission (LIFE programme)
Protocol Number
NCU Role
Start - End Year
Project Website